
Tom loves Angela APK voor Android

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The famous talking cat shows his romantic side

Tom Loves Angela is a spin-off of the popular Talking Tom Cat series of games. This time Tom has a female feline in tow, and it's your job to help him woo her.Just like previous Talking Tom Cat games, you can make the cat speak in Tom Loves Angela simply by speaking into the phone. Tom will then repeat back what you've said in a high-pitched voice.There are a series of actions you can perform too such as singing, giving a gift to Angela, or throwing a pot plant at Tom. You can tap either of the cats in different places to get different responses. As before, you can record actions and speaking in Tom Loves Angela and play it back to relive the fun.The main difference between Tom Loves Angela and previous games of this ilk, is that you can actually have a conversation with Angela. She will talk to you then you can respond either by talking (the speech recognition is surprisingly accurate) or typing your response. Of course, topics of conversation are quite limited but you'll be surprised at how long Angela will keep talking for.To enable the conversation option in Tom Loves Angela you must either make an in-app purchase for it, or visit one of the recommended links to get a free trial of the feature.The new chat feature makes Tom Loves Angela a little different from previous Talking Tom Cat games. it would be nice if there were a few more animations and actions within the app, though to ease the repetition.'

Tom y Angela vuelven en una nueva aplicacin rom¡ntica.

Talking Tom trep hasta llegar a un techo para poder ver a Angela. Est¡ tratando de conquistar a Angela repiti©ndole tus palabras a ella, cant¡ndole una cancin, charlando con ella y compr¡ndole regalos.

Pero Ginger tambi©n est¡ ah­ intentando complicar las cosas para el pobre Tom.

NUEVO: La primera aplicacin de Talking Friends donde un personaje responde de manera inteligente. Puedes conversar con Angela (SOLAMENTE EN INGL?S). Horas y horas de charla inteligente y a veces divertid­sima.

??????C?MO JUGAR??????
?? H¡blale a Tom y ©l le repetir¡ tus palabras a Angela.
?? Toca a Tom o Angela y ve cmo reaccionan.
?? Golpea a Tom y el tirar¡ un beso.
?? Sacude el dispositivo para crear un terremoto.
?? Sopla en el micrfono para hacer viento.
?? Presiona el botn de letras para ingresar al modo de charla y tener una conversacin con Angela.
?? Presiona el botn de cancin para escuchar a Tom y Angela cantar una cancin.
?? Presiona el botn del florero para ver cmo Ginger le tira el florero en la cabeza a Tom.
?? Presiona el botn del regalo para ver cmo Tom le da a Angela varios regalos.
?? Graba y comparte videos graciosos.

?????? C?MO CHARLAR??????
?? Presiona el botn de letra para ingresar al modo de charla.
?? Completa una oferta o haz una compra dentro de la aplicacin para chatear con Angela.
?? Use el teclado para escribir (SOLO EN INGL?S) o utilice el dictado por voz.
?? Tom le dar¡ tu mensaje a Angela.
?? Angela luego responder¡ con texto y voz en ingl©s.
?? Puede hablar con Angela sobre varios temas: amor, citas, amigos, escuela, moda, celebridades, pel­culas, msica, televisin, libros, pasatiempos, comida, viajes, mascotas, etc.
?? Si deseas que Angela diga un chiste, solamente escribe: dime un chiste.

AVISO LEGAL: Estamos reuniendo de manera annima archivos de registro de datos que contienen detalles acerca del uso de la aplicacin. M¡s detalles:



  • Some fun animations
  • Enjoyable interactive chat feature
  • Good voice recognition


  • Not enough animations and actions to perform

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Tom loves Angela APK voor Android

  • Gratis

  • In Nederlands
  • V
  • 4.1

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